sci13008 — Announcement

Announcing the “Science with the Hubble Space Telescope IV” conference

17 October 2013

We have now formally announced the conference "Science with the Hubble Space Telescope IV", to be held at the Accademia dei Lincei in Rome from 17–20 March 2014. This conference, subtitled "Looking to the Future", aims to celebrate and highlight the scientific breakthroughs that Hubble has made over the last two decades by sharing new results, inspiring the Hubble user community to think about Hubble's successor, the James Webb Space Telescope, and looking even further into the future by considering some of the key scientific questions that will shape the field of astrophysics in the coming decade.

Information on the conference registration deadlines, abstract submission, and scientific programme can be found on the conference website. This conference aims to give ample space to new and exciting results from Hubble. If you are working on a new result, please consider announcing it in Rome. Any conference related queries should be directed to

Please note: out of consideration for our colleagues affected by the US government shutdown, we have extended the Abstract Submission deadline to November 1.



ESA/STScI Baltimore

About the Announcement



Science with the Hubble Space Telescope IV — 17–20 March 2014
Science with the Hubble Space Telescope IV — 17–20 March 2014

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