Swan Nebula (Narrow Band Color)

This image of Messier 17 is an LRGB image where the luminance was taken with full resolution and the RGB was taken binned 2x2. The luminance was H-Alpha in both images. I used Sigma Reject Combine and loaded the 4 FITS files into Photoshop CS 2 using the FITS Liberator. I processed the luminance using adjustment layers for curves, levels, and other processing methods. I also used a surface blur along with a smart sharp filter. The RGB of the image was created using the FITS Liberator Color Composite action. This image was then blended in with the luminance creating the final image that was then cleaned up.

Look forward to version 2.0

This fits liberator image is not available for sale.

Dean Salman & the ESA/ESO/NASA Photoshop FITS Liberator

About the FITS Image

Name:Dean Salman


r.titleLarge JPEG
465.8 KB
r.titleScreensize JPEG
363.0 KB
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