
This is my first attempt at using the FITS Liberator. Original images are from the Educational Data Set. For each of the original images in the FITS Liberator I changed the stretch function to log(image+a), it seemed to give a little better contrast. I spent more time attempting to get the original images to "converge" in Photoshop than any other step in the process. If you are looking for a challenge this is the image for you. To produce the jpg I reduced the image to ¬ size and saved it with a quality of 10.

This fits liberator image is not available for sale.

Mark Hawkins & the ESA/ESO/NASA Photoshop FITS Liberator

About the FITS Image

Name:Mark Hawkins


r.titleLarge JPEG
1.6 MB
r.titleScreensize JPEG
544.3 KB
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