Pan over NGC 4214

Hubble Space Telescope’s newest camera, is an ideal location to study star formation and evolution. Dominating much of the galaxy is a huge glowing cloud of hydrogen gas in which new stars are being born.

A heart-shaped hollow in this star-forming region can be seen at the start of this video based on observations from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope.

Inside this cavity lies a large cluster of massive, young stars ranging in temperature from 10 000 to 50 000 degrees Celsius. Their strong stellar winds are responsible for the creation of this bubble. These features have the effect of stemming any further star formation due to the subsequent lack of gas.


NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)-ESA/Hubble Collaboration. Acknowledgment: R. O’Connell (University of Virginia) and the WFC3 Scientific Oversight Committee

About the Video

Release date:12 May 2011, 15:00
Related releases:heic1109
Duration:41 s
Frame rate:30 fps

About the Object

Name:NGC 4214



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