How the shape of a gravitational lens effects the lensed images

Gravitational lenses produce different shaped images depending on the shape of the lensing body. If the lens is spherical then the image appears as an Einstein ring (in other words as a ring of light) (top); if the lens is elongated then the image is an Einstein cross (it appears split into four distinct images) (middle), and if the lens is a galaxy cluster then arcs and arclets (banana-shaped images) of light are formed (bottom).


ESA 2001

About the Image

Release date:5 October 2001, 15:00
Related releases:heic0113
Size:2052 x 2993 px

About the Object

Type:Unspecified : Galaxy : Type : Gravitationally Lensed

Image Formats

r.titleLarge JPEG
659.4 KB
r.titleScreensize JPEG
217.7 KB

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