Star evolution

This series of Hubble images show what is called stellar evolution. Notice the enhancement of the lower image compared to the others. The enhancement is caused by the installation of COSTAR.

This series of HST images show what is called stellar evolution. Notice the enhancement of the lower image compared to the others. The enhancement is caused by the installation of COSTAR.


Dra. P. Jakobsen (ESA/STScI), F. Macchetto ESA/STScI). R. Jedrzejewski (STScI), and N. Panagia (ESA/STScI). The April 1992 through October 1993 pre-COSTAR data was provided courtesy of R. Kirshner (CfA) and the SINS Collaboration.

About the Image

NASA press release
Release date:14 January 1994, 06:00
Size:673 x 863 px

About the Object

Name:SN 1987A, Stellar Evolution
Type:Local Universe : Star : Evolutionary Stage : Supernova
Distance:170000 light years

Image Formats

r.titleLarge JPEG
238.6 KB
r.titleScreensize JPEG
351.4 KB

Colours & filters

Ultraviolet Hubble Space Telescope

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