NGC 7000 (The North America Nebula)

This image has been composited by using the 3 wavelengths from the Digitized Sky Survey located in Europe. On the lower part of the nebula appears to be pillars of some sort as a starting place where stars are born. This is also one of the first composites that I have ever did as a special thanks to David De Martin for teaching me the ways of compositing pictures. The North America is named after the shape of the nebula that represent the continent of north America. The nebula is located west of Deneb about 2 degrees east if you are using a reflection telescope.

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Zachary Grillo & the ESA/ESO/NASA Photoshop FITS Liberator

About the FITS Image

Name:Zachary Grillo
City:West Winfield, New York


r.titleLarge JPEG
3.9 MB
r.titleScreensize JPEG
735.4 KB
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